Blue Wave Across Cape Ann Stand Out

Come stand out and stand up with Democrats and friends from around Cape Ann on October 24th from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at various Gloucester and Rockport locations. Let’s show our solidarity to defeat Trump, support for Democratic candidates, unity on the values and issues that really matter!

Click here for more details and to sign up!

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GDCC Monthly Meeting – October 15, 2020

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, October 15th at 7:00 PM. Members and friends may participate with video using Zoom on a computer or mobile device or may call in using a traditional phone.

This month, Nika Elugardo, state representative for the 15th Suffolk District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, will be joining us to talk about the current police reform bill being considered on Beacon Hill. Rep. Elugardo is kindly joining us to discuss this important issue at the invitation of our own Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante.

To join the meeting using Zoom, click or tap here ( when the meeting is scheduled to start. Alternatively, you can enter meeting ID 842-3293-0958 and password 368080 into Zoom to join. To join the meeting by phone, dial 1-929-436-2866, enter meeting ID 842-3293-0958, press pound (#) when asked for a participant ID, and enter password 368080.

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Message from the Chair, October 2020

Would you believe that I have begun and erased this letter to you all four times since I started trying to write it last week? This is not even the first one of these monthly missives that has suffered such delays for how rapidly the sands have shifted beneath our feet, but it has definitely been the MOST revised.

This month started with what could be the least surprising news in a year of jarring surprises: the President who proudly takes no precautions during a pandemic is now himself sick with the virus. We don’t wish any harm or illness on the President, as we don’t wish the same for anyone. However, that seems to be precisely the difference between us and the President.

Too many people who did not need to be sick have fallen ill and over 200,000 have died because of his ineptitude and intentional playing down of the severity of this emergency. This dangerous and cavalier attitude extended even to how he interacted with his own top advisors and donors. It boggles my mind, as I’m sure it boggles yours, how anyone could still support this man as it is clear that he truly does only care for himself – and not even enough to keep himself from illness.

In contrast however, we have much to be grateful for on our side. As a much different campaign season has at last taken shape, we have had the almost strange comfort of hearing sane, measured, and thoughtful words from our next President and Vice President. Scientific American broke with 175 years of tradition and openly endorsed a candidate: Joe Biden. The New England Journal of Medicine penned an unprecedented editorial about the leadership vacuum that has exacerbated this crisis. More and more people are stepping forward – old friends, the often unaligned, and even former opponents – to say that Joe Biden needs to be the next President, for America’s sake.

Each one of us also has a role to play. These last few weeks have shown, yet again, that Donald Trump and his Republican enablers must be excised from office on November 3rd. That means electing Democrats all the way down the ballot. We need your help making phone calls to voters to make sure they are able to cast their vote.

You can find more information about how to get involved here. Do your part; please sign up today!

Democratically yours,
Matthew C. Murray

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Lawn Signs are Here!

Biden/Harris lawn are here! If you want a lawn sign, please fill out the form at this link. We are asking for a small $20 contribution to the GDCC to offset the cost of the signs to the committee. Once you fill out the sign request form, you can make your contribution at this link and you will be contacted about picking up your sign.

Signs will be provided for FREE for people who participate in our phone banks – click here to learn more and sign up!

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Democratic Dialogue, September 2020 – Joanne Senos and Marie Giambanco

Democratic Dialogue is back in production, albeit a bit more socially distanced than before! Thank you for your patience as our production team worked to bring new content to you.

Gloucester votes! Fresh off the heels of this year’s state primary, this month on Democratic Dialogue, hosts Karen Bell and Daniel Epstein speak with Gloucester City Clerk Joanne Senos and Assistant Registrar Marie Giambanco about voting during the pandemic.

Past episodes of Democratic Dialogue can be viewed on YouTube on the Gloucester Democrats and 1623 Studios channels.

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