Volunteers Needed! GDCC Days of Service

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will celebrate the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and honor the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. by participating in a drive-through food distribution with the Open Door.

Hunger is a huge problem this year, as the economic impacts of COVID-19 strike families who have never thought they would be using a food pantry. We need ALL HANDS for this event! Six volunteers are needed on Friday, January 15 from 12 PM to 2 PM to pack grocery bags at the Open Door. Fourteen volunteers are needed for each of two two-hour shifts from 9 AM to 11 AM and 11 AM – 1 PM on Saturday, January 16 to distribute the food.

Please note that we will not being wearing any Democratic-branded items during this service event. This difficult choice was made by the Open Door director Julie LaFontaine as, “Given the nature of this event and the current political tensions, we want to be neutral in any branding. Food is too important and we don’t want to unintentionally polarize the reception of the program.” We are gladly complying with this request, especially as this yearly event is focused on service, not publicity, and taking action for the sake of the common good is a core Democratic value.

Please sign up through the Open Door, by visiting our VolunteerHub page, filling out the form, and choosing a shift. Your join code, which you should enter when prompted, is GloucesterDEMS.

If you need more information or have any questions, please contact GDCC Public Service Chair Mary Kingsley.

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Democratic Dialogue, December 2020 – Governor’s Councilor Eileen Duff

This month on Democratic Dialogue, host Jeremy McKeen speaks with Governor’s Councilor Eileen Duff to discuss her recent re-election and the job of the the Governor’s Council.

Councilor Duff is firmly committed to civil rights and the promotion of social justice. In 2015, she received the Gloucester BAR Association Law Day Award, given for her tremendous efforts to keep the Gloucester and community courts open. She also received the 2015 LBGTQ BAR Association’s Elected Official of Distinction Award for her efforts to educate and work with judges throughout the Commonwealth.

Past episodes of Democratic Dialogue can be viewed on YouTube on the Gloucester Democrats and 1623 Studios channels.

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GDCC Monthly Meeting – November 12, 2020

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, November 12th at 6:00 PM. Members and friends may participate with video using Zoom on a computer or mobile device or may call in using a traditional phone.

This month, our featured speaker is Amy Grunder of the MIRA Coalition. She will be joining us to discuss the Safe Communities Act. Additionally, Congressman Seth Moulton will be joining us and will be speaking near the beginning of the meeting, so don’t be late! The Ward 2 Committee will also be holding an election for a new chair.

Click here to view the full meeting agenda. Members should also the previous meeting’s minutes prior to this month’s meeting.

To join the meeting using Zoom, click or tap here (https://bit.ly/GDCC-Nov-2020) when the meeting is scheduled to start. Alternatively, you can enter meeting ID 813-2412-0423 and password 723583 into Zoom to join. To join the meeting by phone, dial 1-929-436-2866, enter meeting ID 813-2412-0423, press pound (#) when asked for a participant ID, and enter password 723583.

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Message from the Chair, November 2020

At last.

The longest, strangest, most expensive and emotionally taxing campaign in our history is at last over. We have passed through the struggle and come out the other side, but it was not without cost. It’s left me thinking a lot about this scene from Henry V, from after the Battle of Agincourt:

But all is not bleak.

As we watched on TV, the fear and anger of the last four years dissipated in the warm, summer-like air of a bright, sun-dappled Saturday afternoon. As people all over the nation and the world danced in the streets, we saw that the last four years have not robbed us of our potential to hope or expect the best in each other.

Thank you to each and every one of our volunteers who phonebanked in order to get the vote out in critical battleground states. We have elected a decent and driven man and woman to the highest offices in our nation, and we deserve to celebrate. We are returning this nation to its proper place, not only on the world stage, but also, once more we look to be the more perfect union at home.

Democratically yours,
Matthew C. Murray

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Video: Police Reform with Rep. Nika Elugardo – October 2020 Monthly Meeting

At our October 2020 monthly meeting, Rep. Nika Elugardo of the 15th Suffolk District joined the Gloucester Democratic City Committee to discuss the police reform bill currently in conference in the Massachusetts General Court.

Thank you to Rep. Elugardo for sharing her important perspective with our committee and thanks to Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante for inviting her colleague to join us.

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