Officer and Committee Openings

The GDCC is looking for an organized, detail-oriented member willing to commit to serve as Secretary.

The Secretary must be available to attend executive committee, subcommittee and general committee meetings. General duties include: take attendance and minutes of all Executive Committee and Committee meetings; responsible for official communications; read communications at Committee meetings as appropriate; send all meeting notices in accordance with Article VII. A full description is available in our Bylaws.

We are also seeking members who would like to help on the following committees:

Scholarship Committee

Review applications and objectively select recipients of GDCC Scholarships. This is a rewarding opportunity for volunteers and Gloucester students!

Fundraising / Events Committee

While our annual spring Brunch event is uncertain for 2021, we are looking at opportunities for virtual fundraising events and fall in person social events as permitted. If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity that involves innovative ideas for fundraising and events, let us know!

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Committee

The GDCC is committed to cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive membership in which people of all backgrounds, regardless of their age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity have opportunities to participate as members and leaders. This is a new committee and initiative for the GDCC and we seek members who are passionate about DEI as well as collaboration work to help develop and implement our strategy plan.

Please reach out to either Matt or Deanna if you are interested in running for Secretary or serving on one or more of these committees.

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Virtual Monthly Meeting – February 11, 2021

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, February 11th at 6:00 PM. Members and friends may participate with video using Zoom on a computer or mobile device or may call in using a traditional phone.

Our February guest speaker is Natalie Bowers, President of the North Shore Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Join us to learn more about how our NS neighbors came to form this Branch and how they are using the six NAACP Game Changers strategy: Economic Sustainability, Education, Health, Public Safety and Criminal Justice, Voting Rights and Political Representation, Expanding Youth and Young Adult Engagement to drive their NAACP’s work.

The North Shore NAACP, which was initiated by Bowers, a Wenham resident, along with a group from Hamilton-Wenham who were motivated by the Black Lives Matter movement after the killing of George Floyd. The group first formed the Hamilton-Wenham Human Rights Coalition, then in July 2020, they officially formed a local chartered Branch of the NAACP with a commitment to NACCP’s mission to “to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.” The Branch currently has 450 members who stand in solidarity against systemic racism on the North Shore, MA.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to a NAACP meeting commitment, our guest speaker segment will begin at 6:15 PM.

Members should review the previous meeting’s minutes prior to this month’s meeting.

To join the meeting using Zoom, click or tap here ( when the meeting is scheduled to start. Alternatively, you can enter meeting ID 832-2611-4710 and password 542097 into Zoom to join. To join the meeting by phone, dial 1-929-436-2866, enter meeting ID 832-2611-4710, press pound (#) when asked for a participant ID, and enter password 542097.

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Message from the Chair, February 2021

Deep exhale.

Feel that tension leaving your shoulders. Four years is long enough for it to get in deep, so you might want to take a stretch too, it’ll feel great.

We are now three weeks into the Biden Administration and things could not be more different. Our president is filling the ranks of the government with competent civil servants, rather than toadies and donors. We have recommitted to the Paris Accord and our support for the World Health Organization; reaffirmed diplomacy as our international calling card, casting out childish “me first” rhetoric. We are rebuilding the actual fabric of what really made America great.

However, restoring the norms of the pre-Trump era is not entirely possible, or at least likely to be a quick task. As much as we would hope that Trumpism would be evaporated in the light of this new day, the world has been changed. The new GOP is the GOP of Marjorie Taylor Greene; conspiracy theories and outright lies are now, more than ever, their stock and trade. Even our own local GOP leaders have propagated the lie that the election Trump lost was stolen or unfair. The most recent GOP nominee for the 6th Congressional District filed a spurious lawsuit to challenge the results of his massive loss to Seth Moulton (he lost bigger than any GOP candidate has in several cycles). The local GOP city committee leadership then posted images of this ridiculous lawsuit to celebrate it. These people have made themselves the enemies of democracy and we will never forget it.

We are called as Americans to the charge to not ignore attempts to weaken our democracy. Don’t be afraid to call out creeping bigotry and nonsense when you see it. We have a long road ahead to a new normal, and the Trump-era infatuation with ‘alternative facts’ should find there no place to take root.

Democratically yours,
Matthew C. Murray

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Virtual Monthly Meeting – January 14,2020

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, January 14th at 7:00 PM. Members and friends may participate with video using Zoom on a computer or mobile device or may call in using a traditional phone.

This month, as we have done in past January meetings, we are dedicating the time in which we would normally have a guest speaker to open the floor to our members to discuss the past year. Topics may include the presidential election, Georgia special elections, Trump’s various attempts to invalidate the election, the insurrection at the Capitol, and more. Members and guests are welcome to speak and will be asked to keep the discussion relevant and timely to ensure that as many people have a chance to contribute as possible.

Members should review the previous meeting’s minutes prior to this month’s meeting.

To join the meeting using Zoom, click or tap here ( when the meeting is scheduled to start. Alternatively, you can enter meeting ID 881-1416-3468 and password 402675 into Zoom to join. To join the meeting by phone, dial 1-929-436-2866, enter meeting ID 881-1416-3468, press pound (#) when asked for a participant ID, and enter password 402675.

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Message from the Chair, January 2020

What kind of week has it been?

Writing these monthly notes to you is a good way to go on record with what’s most pressing in our Party and community. Full confession though, sometimes I don’t get to it EXACTLY on the first of the month – and in this era, that can be dangerous. In this chaotic time, my notes from only the day before read as prescient as those film reels from the 50’s that promised us each a robot butler in our homes by 1990 – comically out of touch with how history is actually playing out.

Rather than rehash a dark litany of the week’s news it is our choice to look forward at the coming year. The GDCC will continue to meet and to be a sounding board for local Democrats and progressives who see our nation and its government as the ongoing experiment in liberty that it is, rather than something to savagely attack. We look forward to the true beginning of the Biden/Harris era, and a return to responsible government. This coupled with the recent victories in Georgia that secure us the Senate, we can now truly expect progress rather than the obstruction of the McConnell era.

Despite the hopefully fairer winds blowing from Washington, this does not mean we are standing idly by this year. It is our responsibility to hold the new administration to account on their promises and the bold action that they must now undertake to heal this nation, eliminate the threat of COVID-19, and assure our allies that the United States is back.

We look forward to seeing you all at our first meeting of the year this Thursday. For a format, we’re doing something that we’ve done many times right after an election. Rather than having a guest come to talk about policy or an issue, we’re turning the meeting over to our members to talk about the election, their experiences, what they hope from this new era. We’ll see you all on Zoom, this Thursday, January 14th at 7pm.

Democratically yours,
Matthew C. Murray

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