October 12 GDCC Monthly Membership Meeting


Join us for our October Meeting

Wednesday, October 12!

Our October meeting is coming up NEXT WEDNESDAY, October 12th, at 6:00 at our HQ at 44 Commercial Street! We’re nudging our meeting ahead one day so that we can meet and then watch the first Gubernatorial Debate together!

We’ll have food and drinks for guests and a packed agenda. You can learn how to get involved with working to win in November and beyond!

Please note the time change to 6:00 to accommodate the 7 pm debate. Parking is ample in both the lot at 44 Commercial and St Peter’s Square lot next door.

Message from the Chair

Friends and Fellow Democrats!

With the passing of September into October we are now well and truly into Election Season! After a lively Primary race, we now have an amazing and historic slate of candidates for the Corner Office in Boston, as well as a strong showing for our local leaders like Rep Ferrante and Eileen Duff!

Now the real work begins! Many of you attended our campaign HQ kickoff on the 18th, where we are now in full swing. We are down here every day from now until Election Day at 44 Commercial Street – right down the Fort. We’re gearing up for canvassing, phonebanks and letter-writing – the work that will allow us to win big in November.

We’re also trying a new approach to HQ this go round. Rather than just an office and campaign stable, we’ve set up this year as more of a community center, a people-focused space to spend time and meet other Democrats. We’ve got snacks, comfy couches, a 55” TV, and a view of the Harbor that can’t be beat. We’re planning a few movie nights, and at least two debate watch parties (so far). Come down and see us!

Matthew Murray
Chair – Gloucester Democrats
DSC Ballot Member – 1st Essex Middlesex (2012-)

Below is a list of all the events that you can sign up for to help us win in November. DO NOT TAKE VICTORY FOR GRANTED. Please sign up for at least one action today! Mobilize links provided!


Team Healey/Driscoll Gloucester Canvass

Meet at

Cape Ann Coordinated Campaign Headquarters, 44 Commercial St., Gloucester

(Between St. Peter’s Square and Mom’s Kitchen, with a large gravel parking lot in front of the green building)

Sunday, October 9, 2022
2 – 5 p.m.
Register here: https://www.mobilize.us/maurahealey/event/505824/

Sunday, October 16, 2022
2 – 5 p.m.
Register here: https://www.mobilize.us/maurahealey/event/505824/

Sunday, October 23, 2022
2 – 5 p.m.
Register here: https://www.mobilize.us/maurahealey/event/505824/

VIRTUAL Weekly Phone Bank Opportunities

Saturdays 3 – 5 pm with the Mass Dems for Mass legislative elections and ballot questions https://events.democrats.org/event/412142/

Sundays 4:30 – 6 pm with Somerville Dems for Healey/Driscoll and Senate Democrats https://www.mobilize.us/massachusettsdemocrats2ndmiddlesex/event/505028/

Wednesdays 5 – 8 pm with Team Healey


Thursdays 5 – 8 pm with Team Healey 


NOTE: You must register individually for these virtual phone banks. They kick off via a Zoom event and take place entirely online, so you must have a computer/mobile device and internet connection at home.

IN PERSON Phone Bank Opportunities

Team Healey/Driscoll Cape Ann Phone Bank

Cape Ann Coordinated Campaign Headquarters
44 Commercial St., Gloucester

(Between St. Peter’s Square and Mom’s Kitchen, with a large gravel parking lot in front of the green building)

Thursday, October 6, 2022
5 – 8 p.m.
Register here: https://www.mobilize.us/maurahealey/event/517291/

Thursday, October 20, 2022, Phone Bank and Debate Watch Party!
5 – 8 p.m.
Register here: https://www.mobilize.us/maurahealey/event/517291/

Thursday, October 27, 2022
5 – 8 p.m.
Register here: https://www.mobilize.us/maurahealey/event/517291/

Thursday, November 3, 2022
5 – 8 p.m.
Register here: https://www.mobilize.us/maurahealey/event/517291/

Please bring your laptop/tablet and phone to the HQ for phone banking.

 Public Service Chair, Mary Kingsley, would like to remind all of our followers and friends that we are still collecting goods for The North Shore Health Project/One Stop program, focusing on supporting housing-insecure folks in our community.

Outdoor gear, gloves/mittens/jackets and coats and other items are sought to help folks living rough this winter survive and live with dignity while seeking treatment and care. Please donate what you can here at Headquarters at the table set-up by the main doors!

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GDCC June Monthly Meeting – June 16th

Our GDCC June monthly meeting will be hybrid meeting held in-person on Thursday, June 16 at the Gloucester Fraternity Club, 27 Webster St., Gloucester, and on ZOOM.

Join us for our last meeting before September where we welcome Kate Ranta to talk about gun control, domestic gun violence, and what we can do to provide a safer world for our kids.

Kate Ranta is a domestic and gun violence survivor. In November 2012, her estranged husband, an Air Force Major, appeared at her apartment and shot Kate twice and her father twice in front of her then 4-year-old son. Everyone survived. Her attempted murderer was found guilty in 2017 on all five counts against him and sentenced to 60 years in prison. Kate now elevates her story for activism and awareness around violence against women–especially the deadly intersection between abuse and guns. She has been a gun violence prevention activist for many years. She is a speaker and marketing professional who has appeared in documentary films, in national media, and on expert panels. She is the author of the book “Killing Kate: A Story of Turning Abuse and Tragedy into Transformation and Triumph.” Kate is the mother of a teenage son. 


Our June meeting will begin at 7:00 pm with our business meeting and will continue with our speaker.

The GDCC requests in-person attendee cooperation for Covid safety with proof of vaccination. Masks are welcome, but will not be mandatory.

To Join Zoom Meeting:

Dial in: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 812 3051 3424
Passcode: 013013

For more information contact Chair Matthew Murray with any questions at chair@gloucesterdemocrats.org or at 978 239 2205.

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GDCC Monthly Meeting – May 12

Our GDCC April monthly meeting will be held in-person at 7:00 pm on Thursday, May 12 at the Gloucester Fraternity Club, 27 Webster St., Gloucester

Meet State Senator from the second Suffolk District and candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, Sonia Chang-Diaz.  Sonia Chang-Diaz is a former public school teacher and the first Latina and Asian-American to serve in the Massachusetts State Senate-and she’s spent her career fighting for and winning bold change that working families need.  Her accomplishments include writing, championing, and winning a landmark education funding reform to provide $1.5 billion in new aid to K-12 districts across the state.  She also led the charge for criminal justice reform and repealing racist sentencing rules.

In addition, Maiuza Alves, GDCC Ward 2 Chair and advocate for immigrants living here on Cape Ann, will be joining us to explain and answer questions about The Work and Family Mobility Act which has recently passed the Massachusetts state senate.   This bill will allow undocumented residents to get driver’s licenses in the state.  In addition to her service to immigrants, Maiuza also sits on the Human Rights Commission here in Gloucester.

Our May meeting will begin at 7 PM with GDCC business items; and the speaker program at 7:30-8:45 p.m. Members and friends are welcome to attend.

The GDCC requests in-person attendee cooperation for Covid safety with proof of vaccination. Masks are welcome, but will not be mandatory.

For more information contact Chair Matthew Murray with any questions at chair@gloucesterdemocrats.org or at 978 239 2205; or visit the GDCC website at https://www.gloucesterdemocrats.org

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GDCC Monthly Meeting & Bi-annual Election – April 14th

Our GDCC April monthly meeting will be help in-person on Thursday, April 14 at the Gloucester Fraternity Club, 27 Webster St., Gloucester and we will be holding our bi-annual elections for officers. This includes Ward Chairs, new members, and elected Officers of the City Committee (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Affirmative Action Officer.

Membership in the GDCC:

Members are elected every four years (except for 20-year members) and candidates are listed on the presidential primary ballot by ward.  The members who join the GDCC at our monthly meetings are also elected by ward, and their term lasts until the next presidential primary election. Seventy persons were elected to 4-year membership terms in March of 2020. Each of these individuals received a letter from the Gloucester City Clerk informing them of their election a few weeks ago.

Guest speakers joining us:  

Meet State Representative from Salem and candidate for Essex County District Attorney, Paul Tucker.

State Rep Paul Tucker (DA)

In addition, Shawn Henry, member of the Gloucester Planning Board, will be joining us to explain and answer questions about the proposed zoning amendment changes before the City Council that were derived from recommendations and goals of the city’s Housing Production Plan adopted in 2017.

Our March meeting will begin at 7 PM with GDCC business items; and the speaker program at 7:30-8:45 p.m. Members and friends are welcome to attend.

The GDCC requests in-person attendee cooperation for Covid safety with proof of vaccination. Masks are welcome, but will not be mandatory.

For more information contact Chair Matthew Murray with any questions at chair@gloucesterdemocrats.org or at 978 239 2205; or visit the GDCC website at https://www.gloucesterdemocrats.org.

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Letter from the Chair, March 2022

If I might, I’d like to take the liberty to assume that most everyone reading these monthly updates are the sort of people who consider themselves “life-long learners”, those who never tire of new knowledge or experiences. With that presumption established, I think it’s fair to agree that this new year has been quite the learning experience. Sometimes the lessons have even been certainly a fair bit more intense or brutal than we might have wished.

In these early months of 2022 we have learned the sting of rampant inflation and the bite of high prices at the pump. Unfortunately of course our conservative neighbors have yet to learn that the President has very little control over these factors – which of course they do seem to remember when it’s their guy in office watching the numbers go up. What *we* have learned (or re-learned) about the value of the executive branch is what it is like to have a calm, intellectually curious, reasonable and non-vindictive hand at the helm during times of crisis.

We have also learned quite a lot in just this last week. We’ve learned that there is still a will to fight for freedom and democracy in this world, in the spirit of the Ukrainian people. We’ve learned that the creeping despotism of men like Putin and our own former president can be halted if brave people stand up. We’ve also learned that NATO was not fatally damaged by the sabotage of our former executive, and we’ve learned that President Biden was the right man at the right time to unify our allies to effectively support the resistance in Ukraine. We’ve learned that it is indeed possible to fight the wave of disinformation that makes honest dialogue possible, whether that misinformation flows from the Kremlin or the “Little Kremlin”, Fox News Studio on 6th Avenue.

We have yet to learn whether we can harness that same spirit for Democracy here in coming months as we approach the midterms and other challenges. The warrior spirit can be hard to sustain for very long. The people of Ukraine must for their very survival, whereas we here at home often find ourselves diverted distractions or world weariness. I’m here to say that that’s ok, we all feel it. Though they are not as dire, like the people of Kyiv, we will face our own challenges with a spirit inspired by a love of democracy and liberty, and we will face them together.

Slava Ukrainia

Matthew C. Murray

Chair of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee


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