GDCC Monthly Meeting – September 2019

Thursday’s monthly meeting on September 12 will be held at the Gloucester House Restaurant, beginning at 6:30 p.m. We will feature climate change legislation and presidential polls. The televised presidential debate will be the same evening, beginning at 9 p.m., so we are beginning the meeting at an earlier time this month. All registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning unenrolled voters are welcome.

Gloucester resident Jack Clarke, Director of Public Policy & Government Relations for the Massachusetts Audubon Society, will speak at the first meeting of the fall. One of Mass Audubon’s strategic goals is to address the challenges of climate change in Massachusetts by promoting new legislation to develop a comprehensive adaptation management plan in response to climate change. Jack will tell us about this initiative and other legislative priorities for the state.

Mike Wheeler, Chair Emeritus of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee (GDCC) and expert on negotiation, will give us an update on presidential debates, polls, and horse-race journalism. Decades ago Mike wrote Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: The Manipulation of Public Opinion. He will explain what’s happened in the polling world since then (not all that much). Mike will then take our collective pulse, not on particular candidates, but rather on the qualities, background, and nature of a first-rate president.

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Democratic Dialogue, September 2019 – John Rosenthal

GDCC member Christopher Sicuranza hosts the September episode of Democratic Dialogue with guest John Rosenthal, advocate and Co-Founder of Stop Handgun Violence and the PAARI – Police Assisted Addiction & Recovery Initiative, for an all too timely discussion about America’s gun violence and state and national gun regulation efforts.

This episode of will air throughout the month of September on 1623 Studios, Ch. 12, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 3:00 am and 7:00pm; on Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 am and 4:00 pm; and on Tuesdays at 6:00 am.

View past Democratic Dialogue episodes here:

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Straws in the Wind: Warren, Biden, Sanders Top Informal GDCC Survey at Bazaar

More than 300 people cast votes for Democratic presidential candidates in a straw poll at last week’s sidewalk bazaar in Gloucester.

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee invited passers-by to vote for their first and second choices for two of the 24 announced Democratic presidential candidates. They were instructed to place a toothpick (first choice) or plastic straw (second choice) in containers affixed to a giant billboard labeled with candidate names. Not all of the voters followed instructions; 337 voted for their first choice and 260 voted for their second choice. Results are displayed in the table below.

When only first choice votes were considered, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders came in first, second and third, respectively. However, when first and second choice votes were considered together, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were ranked first, second and third. Bernie Sanders (5th ranked) fell below Pete Buttigieg (4th ranked) when first and second choice votes were combined.

Ten candidates ranked in the top ten regardless of first or second choice, and our Congressman Seth Moulton received more support when first and second choices were considered together. These results are somewhat different than the latest national polls as reported by, which show Biden first, Sanders second, and Warren third. However, Cape Ann voters and national polls both list the same top 5 choices, including Harris and Buttigieg.

We should caution any reader that this polling method is not representative of any group except those people who happened to come to the Sidewalk Bazaar in Gloucester, stopped at the Democrats booth, and wanted to register their choices.

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Democratic Dialogue, August 2019 – J.B. Kittredge

On Democratic Dialogue this August, host and past GDCC chair Mike Wheeler speaks with J.B. Kittredge, President of the Massachusetts ACLU, about a range of state and national civil liberty issues.

This episode of will air throughout the month of August on 1623 Studios, Ch. 12, starting on August 5th, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 3:00 am and 7:00pm; on Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 am and 4:00 pm; and on Tuesdays at 6:00 am.

View past Democratic Dialogue episodes here:

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Democratic Dialogue, July 2019 – Bob Scheier

In the July edition of Democratic Dialogue, GDCC member and host Ann Rhinelander speaks with Bob Scheier of Swing Left North Shore/Cape Ann about their “Super State” strategy for the 2020 elections.

This episode of will air throughout the month of July on 1623 Studios, Ch. 12, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 3:00 am and 7:00pm; on Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 am and 4:00 pm; and on Tuesdays at 6:00 am.

View past Democratic Dialogue episodes here:

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