GDCC Monthly Meeting – November 2019

Our November guest speaker was Quentin Palfrey, a Democratic Candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts in 2016. Quentin spoke broadly about voter suppression nationally and what efforts are underway to counter them. His new organization, Voter Protection Corps, was founded by experts in election law to address a stark, urgent reality: “The assault on voters’ rights will almost certainly increase, intensify and become more insidious in advance of the 2020 Presidential election.”

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Democratic Dialogue, November 2019 – Arthur Powell and Karen Bell

Check out the November episode of Democratic Dialogue with an all-attendee cast from the 2019 Massdems Convention! Matthew Murray, host and GDCC Vice Chair, along with guests, Arthur Powell, Massachusetts Democratic Party Committee Member, and Karen Neva Bell, GDCC Chair, discuss the outcomes of the 2019 MassDems Convention.

This episode airs throughout the month on 1623 Studios’ Channel 12 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 3:00 am and 7:00 pm, on Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 am and 4:00 pm, and on Tuesdays at 6:00 am.

View past Democratic Dialogue episodes here:

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GDCC Monthly Meeting – October 2019

Gloucester Democratic City Committee (GDCC) hosted several local candidates for City Council and School Committee. Candidates speakers included Joe Ciolino, Melissa Cox, Joseph J. Giacalone, Valerie Gilman, Jen Holmgren, Jonathan Pope, Chris Sicuranza, Laura Wiessen, Val Gilman, and Melissa Cox. Each candidate had five minutes to answer a series of questions.

We also held our election for the vacant Executive Committee positions: Vice-Chair, and Treasurer. Matthew Murray was elected at Vice-Chair, and Lacey Rose Cominsky is our new Treasurer. Congratulations to Matthew and Lacey!

Please join us at our next GDCC Monthly Meeting on Thursday, November 14 starting at 7:00pm with a social half-hour followed by the business meeting.


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Gloucester Delegates attend 2019 Massachusetts State Democratic Convention

On September 14, ten Gloucester delegates joined about 4,000 other Democrats in Springfield for the state party’s political convention. These included: Karen Bell, Jeremy McKeen, Donna Soodalter-Toman, Lenore Maniaci, Mary Kingsley, Andrew Tarr, Liz Murray, Lacey Cominsky, and T. David Marro. Speakers included Senators Warren and Markey, and many of the state representatives to Congress. Most of the speeches focused on 2020 races and generating campaign support. The exhibit hall had many issue-focused organizations, including RCV and groups addressing the climate crisis.

Read the Convention Story here:

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Democratic Dialogue, October 2019 – Kelly Knox

Check out our October episode of Democratic Dialogue featuring host Jen Holmgren with Kelly Knox, founder of The Kindness Project, a local initiative to explore the concept of kindness in our dialogue, communities, municipalities and policies.

This episode of will air throughout the month of October episode on 1623 Studios, Ch. 12, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 3:00 am and 7:00pm; on Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 am and 4:00 pm; and on Tuesdays at 6:00 am.

View past Democratic Dialogue episodes here:

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