SUSPENDED – GDCC 2020 Caucus for State Democratic Convention

 SUSPENDED – GDCC 2020 Caucus

The Massachusetts Democratic Party has suspended all caucuses due to the evolving coronavirus situation. There will be NO CAUCUS this Thursday. See the email below from MDP Chair Gus Bickford for the full message on the decision to suspend caucuses. In line with this cautious approach, the Gloucester Democratic City Committee has CANCELLED our regular monthly meeting that was to occur after the caucus this Thursday.

Statement from Massachusetts Democraticd Party Chair Gus Bickford Announcing Temporary Suspension of Democratic Caucuses:

“In light of guidance provided by state officials at this afternoon’s press conference, the Massachusetts Democratic Party is temporarily suspending all caucuses scheduled to take place. In the event that this temporary suspension must continue for an extended period of time, the Party will develop a replacement to the caucus process. We will continue to follow the guidance of state and local health officials and will make a decision to end the temporary suspension based on that guidance. The Party has informed Senator Markey and Congressman Kennedy of this decision, and each supported the necessary decision by the state party to postpone the caucuses.”

Please stay tuned on social media and make sure you are signed up for the GDCC member email list ( for information regarding the rescheduling of the caucus or caucus-alternative as well as meeting scheduling for future months.

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Martin Luther King Day Food Drive – January 18

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, the GDCC hosted our annual food drive to benefit The Open Door on Saturday, January 18, 2020. Volunteers handed out flyers to patrons, collected food, and loaded and unloaded the truck.

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GDCC Monthly Meeting – January 2020

The countdown to our crucial 2020 elections is shorter every day! The next monthly meeting of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee (GDCC) will be Thursday, January 9 at the Gloucester House Restaurant. This month we will feature a panel discussion of Medicare for All, begin preparations for the state and national conventions, and hear about the campaigns of Democratic candidates who want to serve you. Please join us! GDCC meetings are held at the Gloucester House, 63 Rogers Street, Gloucester, MA. Beginning at 7:00 p.m. with social time, followed by the general business meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Panel Discussion on Medicare for All
Several candidates for President have advocated transforming our national health care system by proposing some variation of “Medicare for All” for U.S. residents. How do these proposals differ from one another? How have other candidates responded? How are major groups of stakeholders reacting? We have assembled a panel of local experts to lead our discussion. They will each address some key questions by describing the perspectives of U.S. health care consumers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and clinicians, and then respond to your questions.

Karen N. Bell, MPH, Chair, GDCC
Craig Williams, COO, Northeast Hospital Corporation
Rich Sagall, MD, President Needy Meds
James Liebmann, MD, Northeast Oncology Associates, Beverly Hospital

Candidate Speaker Spots
Each month we will have opportunities to hear from candidates who seek election or re-election to the Senate and Congress. The GDCC does not endorse candidates for the Democratic primary elections but welcomes them or their representatives to our meetings. Members can learn more about their positions, and sign up to help with individual campaigns. This month our two candidates with “speaker” spots are:

Keith Sonia, Regional Field Director | Joe Kennedy III for United States Senate,
Jamie Zahlaway Belsito, Candidate for Congressional District 06

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Democratic Dialogue, January 2020 – Andrew DeFranza

Democratic Dialogue kicks off the new year continuing the conversation about local affordable housing with two local housing experts: GDCC member and host, Larry Oaks, President and CEO of Mainstay Supportive Housing and Home Care, and return guest, Andrew DeFranza, Executive Director of Harborlight Community Partners.

The January episode airs throughout the month on 1623 Studios​ Channel 12 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., on Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., and on Tuesdays at 6:00 a.m.

View past Democratic Dialogue episodes here:

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Democratic Dialogue, December 2019 – Saya Ameli Hajebi

This month’s Democratic Dialogue episode is a must-watch! Host Jeremy McKeen, talks with inspiring 17-year-old climate activist, Saya Ameli Hajebi, of Sunrise Movement Boston about the youth activism on climate change and the Green New Deal.

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee‘s public access television programming will air its December episode on 1623 Studios, Ch. 12, throughout the month on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 3:00 am and 7:00 pm; on Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 am and 4:00 pm; and on Tuesdays at 6:00 am.

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