Joe Nogelo to Receive McCarthy Award

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will honor Joe Nogelo with the Charles McCarthy Lifetime Achievement Award during our virtual monthly meeting on Thursday, June 11 at 6:30pm. Please see our monthly newsletter for information on how to join us for the meeting.

Joe Nogelo has dedicated much of his life to the service of others and promotion of the common good. One of his greatest strengths is his ability to connect with, relate to and inspire people. Throughout his career and in his private life, Joe has mentored and championed individuals whom others overlook. His compassionate and generous leadership has changed the trajectory of many lives.

Joe grew up in Framingham, Massachusetts in a middle-class family. His mother was a passionate Democrat.

Joe graduated from Tufts University in 1967, with a major in economics. After college, he and his wife, Sinikka, were married and he reported to Officer Candidate School at Naval Station Newport. Joe was commissioned as an Ensign in the United States Navy and stationed at Kagnew Station, a communications base in Asmara, Ethiopia (now Eritrea). While off duty, Joe taught economics at the University of Asmara and played basketball in tournaments in East Africa, the Middle East and Europe on a Navy basketball team. Reflecting on this period, Joe notes “My responsibility for community relations frequently took me off the base, where I built relationships with local people and learned about Ethiopian culture. Those experiences sparked my interest in mission-driven work and showed me I could make a difference.” After his service, Joe returned to the States and earned a master’s degree in education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Early in his career, Joe worked as a community organizer, driving anti-poverty efforts, and a social worker, with a focus on at-risk youth and juvenile offenders. On several occasions, Joe opened his home to particularly troubled teens, providing them with a secure space and helping them forge more productive paths. Joe believes in second chances and has a way of making people believe in themselves.

From 1984 until his retirement in 2009, Joe worked for the YMCA in various roles, including that of District Vice President of the YMCA of Greater Boston, where he was responsible for overseeing all of the association’s inner-city branches and their programs and community partnerships, including YMCA Achievers (an educational enrichment program that prepares city teens for college and careers), Families in Transition (an emergency shelter program that works to help homeless families become stabilized and self-sufficient), Training Inc. (an office skills training and employment program), the International Learning Center (an adult education program), Huntington House (an affordable housing complex), the City on a Hill High School and Operation Ceasefire, also known as the Boston Miracle, a partnership with the Boston Police Department and other agencies that fostered positive relationships between youth and the police and was credited with significantly reducing youth homicides and gun assaults. Under his leadership, the Greater Boston YMCA flourished as a premier social-services agency and delivered on its mission to strengthen communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.

After his retirement from the YMCA, Joe was drawn to the Gloucester Democratic City Committee (GDCC). “As I considered where to direct my energy, I saw the GDCC as a way to have a broad impact on many issues I deeply care about, instead of focusing on just one or two. After a warm welcome from Catherine Bayliss at campaign headquarters, I was soon out the door with a stack of flyers to distribute across town. I’ve been honored to work with so many committed volunteers over the years.”  Among his many contributions, Joe served as Ward 5 Chair, Finance Chair, Brunch Committee Chair and a three-time delegate to the State Convention, and was a founding member of Surfers for Obama. Joe also brought an innovative approach to GDCC’s major fundraising events and worked tirelessly to make them a success. Above all else, Joe enjoys canvassing. “It takes a lot of time to knock on hundreds of doors, but it’s the most effective way to increase turnout and win votes,” Joe emphasizes.

Joe Nogelo is the embodiment of a good Democrat. We are honored to celebrate his leadership, dedication and many contributions.

The Nogelo Family: Sinikka, Alexis, Liisa and Joe
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GDCC Monthly Meeting – June 11, 2020

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, June 11th at 6:30pm. Members and friends may participate with video using Zoom on a computer or mobile device or may call in using a traditional phone.

This month’s guest speakers will be Marco Sanchez and Kate Donaghue. Marco is one of the Massachusetts field organizers for the Biden campaign who will be working with us locally to elect Joe Biden. Kate is a Massachusetts Democratic State Committee member, former Democratic National Committee member, and long-time volunteer and veteran campaigner with the Democratic Party. Discussion will focus on looking toward the 2020 presidential campaign.

With this year’s annual brunch cancelled, we will also will honor Joe Nogelo with the Charles McCarthy Lifetime Achievement Award at the Thursday meeting.

To join the meeting using Zoom, click or tap here ( when the meeting is scheduled to start. Alternatively, you can enter meeting ID 834-4843-9425 and password 548541 into Zoom to join. To join the meeting by phone, dial 1-929-436-2866, enter meeting ID 834-4843-9425, press pound (#) when asked for a participant ID, and enter password 548541.

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Message from the Chair, June 2020

As I write this, our nation convulses in spasms of righteous anger, layered with trauma and uncertainty. As a pandemic continues to rage, our cities face the longest and most sustained civil unrest and upheaval that they have seen in decades. The profound anger of the most recent generation of people to face what has become an ongoing and ever present reality of injustice in our nation has people in the streets once again.

Where is our President? Where is the man who said only he could fix America?

He is hiding in the White House like a coward. His only “accomplishment” this week was to order federal officers to attack peaceful American protesters in Lafayette Park, so that he could stage the most profane photo op in the history of modern media. A man who dodged every opportunity to serve his country, issuing attack orders against his fellow Americans on the streets of our nation’s capital. There has not been a more vulgar and inexcusable set of images broadcast to the world on behalf of the President of the United States in living memory.

These ominous images we have all seen are occurring in what would normally be a month of celebrations. Pride Month this year is going to feel a lot different without parades or other joyous, festive public events. However, it is apt to remember that Pride is a commemoration of the Stonewall Riots of 1969 – riots that were started most notably by black, brown, and trans folks who had enough of the constant police brutality toward the LGBTQ community. Remembering this fact should give us perspective and understanding of the struggles of people that continue to this day.

To end this note on the most positive tone that I can muster, I cannot help but draw attention to the recent demonstrations in Gloucester. Several rallies and marches of hundreds of our neighbors have been organized and carried out by the young people of our community. These actions, rooted in the paradigm of the Black Lives Matter movement, have shown that the priorities of our young people are focused on justice and equality – an affirmation of values that should reassure the hearts of any true Democrat.

To quote Roger Daltry: “The kids are alright.”

Democratically yours,
Matthew C. Murray

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GDCC Monthly Meeting – May 14, 2020

The current pandemic the world is experiencing has affected everyone and everything, including the Gloucester Democratic City Committee. Last month, we held our first-ever virtual reorganization meeting, electing new GDCC officers and members. Both our annual brunch and our state convention have been cancelled – more on that below. Most seriously of all, our friends, neighbors, and countrymen are hurting physically, mentally, and economically.

It is this last reason that we must not let our work fall by the wayside during these unusual and difficult times. We are now painfully confronted with the real cost of having almost unthinkably poor leadership in the White House. The last four years have not been without their own litany of horrors, but now we are confronted with globally prescient reasons for why it is so important to evict this administration as soundly as possible this November. These aren’t the circumstances in which we anticipated doing the work of democracy, but the work of democracy must nonetheless go on. Now, more than ever, we must speak to our values, organize for positive change, and stand against injustice – whatever its form.

I know that most among us greatly enjoy seeing each other every month at the Gloucester House. I look forward to being able to interact with everyone in person once again when the current crisis passes. Until then, the GDCC will be meeting virtually in order to keep in touch and stay organized. The first virtual monthly meeting will take place Thurdsay, May 14th, at 7:30pm.

I was humbled and excited to have been elected to serve as the next chair of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee. I want to thank Karen Bell for her service as chair these past four years. Her leadership and guidance have helped build and sustain a strong committee. I have been proud to serve with her and look forward to her continued participation on our current executive committee.

Let us continue our work together. See you (virtually) on May 14th!

Democratically yours,
Matthew C. Murray

Virtual Monthly Meeting, May 2020

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, May 14th, at 7:30pm. Members and friends may participate with video using Zoom on a computer or mobile device or may call in using a traditional phone.

Gus Bickford, Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, will be our featured speaker. Prior to being elected as party chair in 2016, Bickford had a long history of working in Democratic politics in Massachusetts and around the country, including presidential and congressional campaigns. He also worked on the team that created the National Voter File for the Democratic National Committee and served as the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

For information on how to attend the virtual meeting, please email GDCC Chair Matthew Murray at

2020 Democratic State Convention Cancelled

Due to the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, the Massachusetts Democratic Party has cancelled the 2020 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention originally planned to be held on May 30. With no convention this year, the GDCC will not be holding caucuses to elect delegates.

The convention’s “main event” this year would have been the contested Democratic primary for U.S. Senate between Senator Ed Markey and Congressman Joseph Kennedy III. Candidates for U.S. Senate must receive at least 15 percent of votes cast by delegates at the convention to appear on the Democratic primary ballot, with the candidate who receives a majority of delegate votes being endorsed by the convention.

In lieu of a vote of delegates at the convention, the party has requested that Secretary Galvin place both Senator Markey and Congressman Kennedy on the Democratic primary ballot for U.S. Senate this September. This decision was publicly supported by Senator Markey and Congressman Kennedy and was made in the best interest of the health and well being of participants.

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Gloucester Democratic City Committee Conducts Virtual Reorganization Meeting

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee held a virtual meeting on April 11, 2020 to welcome new and returning members and elect its officers after the reorganization of the committee that occurs every four years during the presidential primary.

Over 30 Democrats from across Gloucester logged on or phoned into the virtual meeting, which was the first virtual general meeting in the history of the committee. While GDCC members usually assemble in person for monthly general meetings, restrictions on gatherings due to the current pandemic meant that the reorganization of the committee, which is mandated by law to occur following the presidential primary, could not take place in person.

Matthew Murray, a member of the committee since 2006, was elected as the new chair of the committee. Murray was previously vice chair of the committee, in addition to having served as the president of the Young Democrats of Massachusetts and as a member of the Democratic State Committee. He succeeds Karen Bell as chair, who served in the role since 2016.

“I’m humbled and excited to have been elected to serve as the next chair of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee. These aren’t the circumstances in which we anticipated conducting this reorganization, but the work of democracy must go on,” said Murray. “I want to thank Karen Bell for her service as chair these past four years; her leadership and guidance have helped build and sustain a strong committee.”

Deanna Fay, a member of the committee since 2014, was elected as the new vice chair of the committee. Fay previously served as the chair of the Gloucester Ward 1 Democratic Committee, as well as the chair of the GDCC Program Committee, which produces the committee’s monthly Democratic Dialogue television program.

“I’m honored to be voted in as vice chair of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee and so grateful for the leadership we’ve had under Karen Bell and all who have served the GDCC along the way”, said Fay. “I’m looking forward to the work ahead with our new chair, our officers, and ward chairs to continue to grow the committee and elect Democratic leaders.”

In addition to Murray and Fay, officers elected on April 11 included secretary, treasurer, and affirmative action and outreach coordinator. Lisa Smit and Lacey Cominsky were re-elected as secretary and treasurer, respectively, and Lenore Maniaci was elected as the new affirmative action and outreach coordinator.

The Gloucester Democratic ward committees held individual reorganizations and officer elections on April 10. Ward chairs elected were Jeremy McKeen, Ward 1 Committee; Patrick Thomas, Ward 2 Committee; Andrew “Dru” Tarr, Ward 3 Committee; Elizabeth Murray, Ward 4 Committee; and Dave Marro, Ward 5 Committee.

Democrats in Gloucester who are interested in joining the committee and getting involved with local Democratic activities should email Matthew Murray at for more information.

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