GDCC Monthly Meeting – September 2019

Thursday’s monthly meeting on September 12 will be held at the Gloucester House Restaurant, beginning at 6:30 p.m. We will feature climate change legislation and presidential polls. The televised presidential debate will be the same evening, beginning at 9 p.m., so we are beginning the meeting at an earlier time this month. All registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning unenrolled voters are welcome.

Gloucester resident Jack Clarke, Director of Public Policy & Government Relations for the Massachusetts Audubon Society, will speak at the first meeting of the fall. One of Mass Audubon’s strategic goals is to address the challenges of climate change in Massachusetts by promoting new legislation to develop a comprehensive adaptation management plan in response to climate change. Jack will tell us about this initiative and other legislative priorities for the state.

Mike Wheeler, Chair Emeritus of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee (GDCC) and expert on negotiation, will give us an update on presidential debates, polls, and horse-race journalism. Decades ago Mike wrote Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: The Manipulation of Public Opinion. He will explain what’s happened in the polling world since then (not all that much). Mike will then take our collective pulse, not on particular candidates, but rather on the qualities, background, and nature of a first-rate president.

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