Disco Night! Postcard Writing with Disco Music!

Virtual Postcard Writing ยท Volunteer organized

Disco Night!  Postcard Writing with Disco Music!  Online Community Event :) organized by The Democratic National Committee



5 โ€“ 9pm EDT


Virtual event

Join from anywhere

Hosted in Salem, MA 01970

About this event

Disco Night!
Postcard Writing with Disco Music to keep us pumped up! 

Minimal chitchat – bring your Postcards and a Pen, log onto Zoom, and get writing! – (online) Community Event!

This event, Disco Night, is fine for Newbies, but especially fun for those of us ready to write.
Do you have 4×6 index cards?
Do you have postcards?
Do you have a pen?
This is important. You can do this. I will help you. ๐Ÿ™‚

New to Postcarding?
New to Campaign work? First Time Volunteer? You’re totally welcome to join! I have one page of links with everything you need to get started writing Get Out The Vote postcards.

 “How do I do postcards… virtually?” — I’ll show you the ropes, give you effective techniques and resources, and set you free! Want more detail? Every Monday I host an online (and in my apartment, in Salem MA) event where I teach newbies all about Postcarding. I share the same page of links, google drive folder, and pro tips for effective campaign work. 

“The one link to rule them all” is my personal page, which I’ve dedicated to Postcarding, Voter Info and Empowerment.
That simplifies things for me and makes it easier to share with you all:https://linktr.ee/ArtWithLaurenNoyes

This includes a Google Drive full of educator materials, a checklist and printouts for hosting your own Postcard Party, and more! These are great for people too young to vote, and are structured to be appropriate in a public school club or inter-disciplinary project setting. Combining Art, Science, and Civics for the win!

Join my Monday Postcard Party events every Monday 3pm to 8pm!https://events.democrats.org/dashboard/event/655376/

Postcarding is in the “Top Three” most effective campaign outreach methods, alongside Phone/Text Banking and Knocking Doors.
It’s my favorite, especially since I have multiple disabilities that limit my mobility.

Join me to save Democracy!

All are welcome. As with all Get Out The Vote work, my event is intentionally NonPartisan. However, the campaigns and addresses I’ve chosen are for Democrat and likely-Democrat voters.

:: plays a Disco station :: :: attempts some killer dance moves :: :: fails and laughs :: :: goes back to writing postcards ::

Let’s boogie to the polls!

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