May be an image of text that says 'International Women S Day March Saturday, March 8, 12 NOON Joan of Arc Statue 8 Middle Street, Gloucester Wear Suffragist Colors Blue and Gold; come Sing and March to the Sea! Led LedbytheAssociated by the Associated Clergy ClergyofCapeAnn of Cape Ann o'

Gloucester City Hall


JOIN US AT OUR NEXT MEETINGJoin us for our monthly meeting this coming Wednesday, February 12th at 6pm! We are going ALL VIRTUAL for February to avoid conflicts with weather that could make driving less safe for our members.

We will be talking about ways to get involved and to keep yourself sane for the news four years. We are all in this together, and we will come out stronger at the toehr end.

Joining us this month are representatives from the “Yes for Gloucester” campaign to talk about the city-wide referendum to be held on April 24th. Tune in to learn about the referendum, how you can get involved and housing issues on Cape Ann.
GDCC ~ February 2025 Meeting
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 ~ 6pm
[Zoom: Copy and paste this link or click below]MLK DAY OF SERVICE

Holy fishsticks, Batman!!
Our SIXTEENTH year collecting tuna – and other foodstuffs – for the open door was a success as usual. This year we collected 3,091 pounds of food and $600.83 in cash donations!

This is extraordinary. Our usual average is around half of that number. While our goal is always to “Catch a Ton” of tuna, we vary from year to year on whether we hit that goal. We have NEVER overshot it to the tune of a ton-and-a-HALF.

A huge thank you to Bo Abrams and Sarah Grow from the Open Door for logistical support, Public Service Chair Liz and Matt Murray for scheduling folks, Ward Five Chair Dave Marro, Jen and Levi Holmgren, Register of Deeds Eileen Duff, Helen McCabe, Ward One Chair Bill Nardone, Ipswich Town Committee Chair David Russell, GDCC Treasurer Rozie Cominsky, GDCC Web guru Ron Wiggins, Susan Thorne, Marc Simon, Coco Berkman and Amy Shapiro for helping out! (forgive me if we missed you!
 SUPPORT THE GDCC IN 2025It’s the NEW year, which means it’s an excellent time to consider your annual support of the GDCC. We ask for a voluntary annual dues fee of only $15 to help defray the costs of operating the GDCC. This can be made at the ActBlue button just below.

If you are able to, please consider making a recurring, monthly donation of just $5, $10 or even $20. Our current monthly expenses are such that, if only a dozen folks made a recurring donation of $10 or $20 we would be completely covered month-to-month!QUESTIONS? Email us at capeanndemhq@gmail.comOr call/text:
 (978) 239-2205Copyright © 2024 Gloucester Democratic City Committee, All rights reserved.

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PO Box 111
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